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How does Ionized Alkaline Water affect athletes?

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How does Ionized Alkaline Water affect athletes?

  • Jun. 04,2018
In an extremely positive way, as you might expect. Blood oxygen levels will rise at varying amounts with regular use of strong Ionized Water. This increases stamina, endurance and provides the muscles tissue and organs with high amounts of oxygen, which the human body often lacks, even in athletes because inadequate diets. Proper hydration sustains the body's physiological responses in all activities, but the physical and mental stresses of athletic training and competition magnify the importance of hydration. Numerous studies conducted on athletes since the 1940s have demonstrated that even mild dehydration impairs performance. Current thought is that athletes consuming a traditional Western diet have consumed an abundance of salt, so there is no need to replace salt when exercise last less than two hours. Water that has been alkalinized may help neutralize the exercise induced acidosis (lactic acid build up), since the pH of alkaline water is high. Ionized water may help act as a free-radical scavenger to address the issue of accelerated oxygen consumption. Ionized water is micro-clustered, so it may be absorbed at a faster rate, helping with rehydration. Dr. Peter L. Kopko, D.C., recommends drinking 13 to 20 ounces (2-3 cups) of water 2 hours before exercise and 5 to 10 ounces (about 1-2 cups) every 15 to 20 minutes of exercise, depending on your total body weight.

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